Friday, July 21, 2006

Forza Motorsport Challenge II

Alright. So I figured I should make a post 'cause it's been about a million years since I've done so. So I'm putting this blog to good use by posting a little contest. I don't know how many of you know this, but I like to play video games. One of the video game genres that I enjoy is Driving Games. The driving game of choice at the moment is Forza Motorsport on my Xbox. Now another bit of trivia that not all of you may know is that a number of my irresponsible male type friends also enjoy playing video games on their Xboxes. And so I am here to issue challenges to get these people driving in Forza and posting times. Anyone who can log some time on Forza is welcome to participate.

Forza Motorsport Challenge I has concluded. Not that you shouldn't post a time in comments, but I'm moving on to the next challenge. The old challenge was any class D car on Maple Valley (the 2.98 mi track, not the shorter one), in 'hot lap' mode. No mods on the car, and after the first lap you'll have a running start. Results came up like this:
  • Matt - 1:48.361 in the Peugeot 206 Gti 180
  • Chris - ~2:02 in I don't remember what car
  • Jesse - 1:49 in the Audi TT
  • Marc - 1:50.746 in the Peugeot 206
  • Adam - 1:46.278 in the Peugeot 206
To be fair, Chris doesn't actually own an Xbox, and made his time screwing around at my house one evening. I was suprised that the Peugeot did so well, my time on it was way better than in the 2 or 3 other likely cars I tried in Class C. Thanks for participating, guys.

Now that that's out of the way here's Forza Motorsport Challenge II:

Lancer EVO vs. WRX STi
In the comments post a time for both the Class C 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII GSR and the Class C 2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STi on the Blue Mountains Raceway II track. Also, discuss which you prefer in tha game.

Challenges I and II have been 'hot lap' and no mods on the car for the sake of those who haven't progressed super far through the game yet, and might not have the game money to be buying and hotroding cars. Eventually I want to have a 'tune this car the best' type contest, so let me know how your in-game bank account is lookin, 'k?

Right about now my wife is thinking 'this is what I get for encouraging him to post on the blog.' =D

Monday, July 17, 2006

Of People and Puppies

Adam and I, last night.

Adam and Annie and I, last weekend.

Marc and Becky, last night.

He likes to steal the seat that I've just gotten up from.

He sleeps like this voluntarily.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Pondering Particles

The stuff coming out of my lungs when I cough is gross.

Not as gross as eating two pounds of bacon.
It's funnier when it's not yours.

Overheard on the bus to work:
"I think people date whoever they want to.... People see us and they think, we're both Mexican, we must be dating."
"Like you have this instant connection."

Overheard at Caribou:
"You can have a bad attitude and still do good work." (<--Thank goodness; because I hate to change.)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Party Pooper

I have had a cold. In the middle of the summer. Ugh.
My colds tend to ricochet around my body, changing their point of attach each day that I am sick. The first day, my throat is swollen and terribly sore. The next day, my sinuses clog up, and the throbbing begins behind my eyes. The third day, I have a cough and an all-day series of fevers. It's a rich tapastry
of fun.

Today I feel much better, and I am back at work. I have managed to stay awake all day so far. My boss bought us all chocolate, and then pointed out that for the
Aquatennial, the Crowne Plaza has $2 vodka lemonades. You know, to make my recovery complete.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Party Pictures*

Here's a few pictures from the 2nd Annual Thorne House 4th of July Party. Note to self: take more pictures at parties!

Adam's excited to be a part of this plan:

The game of bocce (which was preceded by a game of croquet):

The crowd of us right before we walked up to the park:

Chris Smith, Jen Cuff and Jacqueline Cuff, in ascending order:

*How many posts do you think I can start with alliterative P's?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Painting Progress

We made visible progress on the dining room this weekend. It's very exciting to think that we'll be able to have our dining room back again soon! On Saturday, we went to buy our paints and primers and implements. Then we sealed ourselves into the dining room and sanded down all four walls. We had spackled over many holes and cracks, so we sanded to reduce the texture of the walls. 97 year old plaster walls have enough personality already, without us adding to it!

Here you can see the two colors of primers that we're using. Since the room was wallpapered, we had to use oil based primers, and if I never do that again, it'll be fine with me. (Never mind that whole living room waiting for us....) I still have paint on my legs, but at least my hands aren't gray any more. That light primer is actually very close to what the final color will be on the East, North and West walls.

We painted the primer on Sunday, and then to celebrate Adam went to Willow River St Park with Chris and Jesse. He came home with a lovely head wound from climbing behind the waterfall. He had Monday off, and I came home at 2pm, but instead of doing more painting, he had a violent allergy attack. I did laundry while he popped antihistamines, and then we indulged in late night Ceasar salads at Figlio. Poor guy had to have something good happen to him!

So, it was Tuesday morning before we managed to put two coats of the red up on the South wall. We wanted to be able to brag to all of our party guests that afternoon, and we did get a lot of complements. It was also nice to be able to show exactly why our house is a terrible mess. Good thing the party was outside! Stay tuned for party pictures tomorrow!