So on Thursday Mel had her first foot done. Bunion work. I was all groggy after my wisdom teeth were removed, but when I went in to pick up Mel she was downright perky. She was alert and comfortable until we got her to bed. She said that she was starting to feel it maybe around 8:00, so she took a pain pill at that time. I think she took one or two more just before bed right around 10:00. She didn't complain about feeling ill, but she didn't want to eat much either.
Then, around 1:00 in the morning or so the local anesthetic finished wearing off, and she started waking up. It was kinda rough, peaking with a trip to the restroom and a dizzy spell on the way back. After that she stacked some ibuprofen on top of the vikodin (she says the doc said this was ok), and found a better way to elevate her foot in the bed. 4:00 a.m. and I was at least better able to get some sleep. I presume she was able to get a few winks as well.
This morning I called in to work and told 'em I had to look after Mel today. She stayed in bed, grazing lightly, sleeping lightly, and trying to stay to her 'ice the foot' schedule (20 min every hour). For my part I tried to get her to eat, and ferried her ice pack between her and the freezer. After lunch which consisted of about 2/3 of a cheesy-bacony baked potato I left her to try and get a half day at work.