You want it. You need it. The desire burns in your veins. Well take a deep breath and calm down, I'm here with your fix. That's right. More pictures of the puppy.
Arrow has been growing quickly. Around 8 weeks, if you'll recall, we hit the vet for the first time and Arrow weighed in at 12.5 lbs. The 12 week visit had Arrow tipping the scales at just a hair under 20 lbs - I'm sure he's crested that mark by now.
We're doing some puppy obedience classes Saturday mornings. He's so gloriously exhausted for the rest of the weekend after that. When his energy levels are on the rise we take 'em back down with "Pint Sized Play" on Tuesdays. PSP is for dogs less than 20 lbs. Arrow is so awsome that the people running it are quite convinced he'll be able to come for a while yet. I'll bring him for as long as they let me - when he's too long away (come Thursday, Friday) he starts to go hyper-spastic.
Folks at the classes seem to like Arrow quite a bit. Perhaps it's the mystique of the mixed breed dog. Perhaps it's Arrow's dynamically physical demeanor. Maybe it's just an excuse to come speak with the handsome and rugged, yet sensitive owner. Or maybe it's just proud papa syndrome. Whatever the case, everyone in the classes seems to know Arrow's name.
Alright, enough with the jibber-jabber. Get with the pictures, already.
Nice photo work from Mel. It's hard to frame an active puppy.
When Arrow builds up too much steam it's out in the yard with 'im. Thank goodness for the fence.
Arrow with arch-nemesis and companion SqueakyMonkey.
Stinky puppies get to have a bath, even if they don't want it. I promise I'm wearing swim trunks here. Jump-up-puppy is far to dangerous to go au natural.
Wipeout - are you kidding? I totally meant to do that.
Ah, peace and quiet.
Oh soooooo cute! When do I get to come see him in person???
DUDE!!!!! so so so so so so so so so so so so so cute!!!!!! dang. he's a nice looking puppy. *grin* thanks for the pics, was in arrow-withdrawal. :)
Some people think he'll grow into his ears, but they just keep on getting bigger along with the rest of 'im. His wingspan gets any bigger and I'll have to start worrying about him blowing away in a stiff breeze.
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