Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Picture Post

Here are some photos from just before and during my trip to CA. I went out to visit all of the Wells Fargo History Museums in CA, which took four days and was a ton of fun. It was nice to meet folks that I work with, who I've only spoken to on the phone. These are the non-work related pix. For pix of each museum, go here. Next up in the catch-up posting: Cars Were Invented By Satan.

Here are some views from the WF tower in LA (I don't know what parts of town we're looking at), as well as a super cool sulpture in their courtyard:

Here's a weirdly dark picture of Amanda and I, and a better pic of Tabetha (who is platinum blonde as of yesterday):

Here is a view of San Francisco's Chinatown, as well as the "silver" ware I was given at the SFO airport. If the DHS would hurry up and do its job, we could all eat lunch easier.

Here is the one work-related photo that I'm posting from my trip. This is an example of the scales that WF agents would use to weigh gold dust from the 49ers in the gold fields. These scales are so accurate that you can make a pencil X on a sheet of paper, and weigh the difference between that and another unmarked sheet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god, hacking into the hotel's mainframe and getting you free porn was a PAIN!