Monday, October 30, 2006

Highways of Communication

Last night I dreamed that Adam was a bridge engineer. Will someone please analyze this stuff? Seriously.

Life has gotten crazy. For those who didn't know, I picked up a part time job at the downtown Barnes & Noble (hello, discount!), and I've been rehearsing a show with a youth group in St Louis Park. Adam has been valiantly picking up the household pieces and keeping the dog appeased. His life just got much happier, though, and we'll get pix up as soon as we can.

The upshot is, there's not a lot of blogging going on, and not even a lot of emailing, so if you're feeling neglected, you should call me and put yourself on our calendar for some time in mid-November or early December. We love you, we really do.


Stephanie said...

Hmmm. Well, it sounds like Adam is providing some much needed structure and stability on the home front at the could that possibly be what the bridge engineering represents? How did you feel about it? What were the circumstances? I have this pretty cool "interpret your dreams" book, and not the simplistic kind that just gives you an immediate answer (i.e. snakes equal sexuality). You're welcome to borrow it if you like! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, I had dream I was engaged to Emeril last night... WTF? Molly

Melinite said...

Steph-yeah, what I didn't tell you is that the dream ended with snakes. Mmm...lovely snakes...what were we talking about?

Molly-that means we should go have lunch together. :)

Anonymous said...

i'd agree with stephanie on this one. or... maybe you want him to build you a new Something Cool in the kitchen. ~lol~

i had a dream last night that rod was a french king and i was his mistress but couldn't be his wife, but we looked like pictures from a history book, not ourselves, yet we both knew we were him and me. .........yeah, i think i've been reading too much neal stephenson. am working my way through the baroque cycle. yeeps.

Melinite said...

LOVED the baroque cycle! LOVED!

Anonymous said...

dude, am totally loving it, but am also getting a little bit lost. i adored the very first story about daniel waterhouse, then enjoyed the jack and eliza bit (i have the first book divided into two paperbacks), but i am overwhelmed by the second part. though, i love bon-bon. :)

Adam said...

My uncle is a (retired) bridge engineer.