Friday, December 15, 2006

Month the Fourth: April 2006

Wow, I can't believe I'm keeping up with this so far. Fair warning, though, I may have to catch up on Monday because I don't think I'll take the time to post this weekend. Right, on to that other thing.

In which our heroine has "time off" and gives up mandys for Lent

April was the break between Cowboy vs Samurai performances and Midsummer Night's Dream rehearsals. I believe there was some Netflix watching, some sleeping, and lots of working on the dining room.

This was also about the time that Arrow was neutered and done with his vaccinations. We got his city license and his dog park license. I think it's also about when the lake in Powderhorn Park thawed out, and Arrow fell into it. Poor puppy had only ever walked on the lake when it was frozen, and he walked right off the pier into the water!

April also meant tax fun, which was extra exciting this year because of buying the house last year. 2007 might mean an investment in tax software (I know, RG, you told me so).

All in all, a rather quiet month, which was good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...