Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is this "in sickness" or "for worse"?

I know you've all been dying for more foot pictures! Now you, too, can see what Adam gets to look at first thing in the morning. You can see in these pictures that the stitches have been removed, but there's still some swelling and scabbing. The latest instructions were to start wearing a regular shoe on that foot for a couple of hours every day. This is the start of getting my range of motion back, as well as getting rid of the last of the swelling. I should be out of the aircast entirely about the week before my next surgery. Just in time to put it on the other foot!

1 comment:

Christopher Kidder-Mostrom said...

That's the first thing he sees? You guys sleep upside down to each other? You might try putting your pillows on teh same end of the bed. That will at least improve the view a little.