I just finished a small filming project with Commedia Beauregard, who I used to be a company member with last year. They got tapped by Paramount Pictures to film parts of the Klingon Hamlet, based on the fact that they've done A Christmas Carol in Klingon as a fundraiser two years running, now. Commedia asked me to come back and SM the scenes, since they were being filmed about three days after the fundraiser. It was a really great experience--I'm glad I did it--and you can all look for us as part of the DVD extras when Paramount re-releases Star Trek 6 next May. Fun!
One of the best parts was that my stipend from the project paid for a lovely new front-loading washing machine. Woohoo! I'm waiting for Adam to come home with the new high efficiency detergent, and then we're going to do our first load of laundry in our new machine. Here are some pix of Adam and Garry bringing in the new washer: