Monday, December 08, 2008

As if I had been posting all along...

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails? No. Our little boy is made of fruit cocktail.

Well, and Pizza. I made a delicious pizza on Sunday. I am going to make a pizza every week until I have mastered the pizza fu!

These images were captured with our new $35 digital video camera from Microcenter. CHEAP!


Melinite said...

That pizza was totally delicious. Almost as good as the fruit cocktail. Mmmmm...yummy fruit cocktail....

Unknown said...

I loved that post! And I am sure that your baby will consist of more than just fruit cocktail by the end. Er. I hope so.

Congrats on the pizza too! It looks delicious.

Anonymous said...

OMG I love you two SOOOO much. That is hilarious. And I've got just the bowl for little Tadpole to sleep in if in fact he is made of fruit cocktail and therefore a little drippy. So don't worry a thing about it. You're covered, so to speak. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, Fruit Cocktail Baby. I'm crying. That's hysterical.