Monday, February 29, 2016

6.10 or, Christmas Happenings

Dear Corbin,

The first time I asked you what you wanted from Santa, you said a remote control blimp.  When I told you that you should come up with a second idea, you said, "A book of how to make potions.  Ones that really work, like you could make one and it would turn our house into a castle."  Which, let me tell you, was not what I was hoping to hear you say.  So I had to tell you that Santa couldn't do that either.  A couple of days later, we had been talking about astronomy and you said, "Maybe Santa could bring me a telescope."  To which I very gratefully said, "Yes, maybe he can."

This month, the Sharktopus wanted to have a picnic.  He tried to have a picnic with the Lost Boys, but he discovered that he didn't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at all.  He had to have a picnic with Eagle instead, and eat fish.

School had the Holiday Craft Fair this month.  This year, you went with Dad.  You made a snow globe, and painted a ceramic bird.  We don't really need more crafts in the house, but it's a fun fundraiser.

Grandma and Grandpa took you to help buy a Christmas tree, and then you helped Grandma decorate it.  You kept trying to tell Miriam where to put the ornaments, and she kept putting them wherever she felt like it.  That's pretty much the story of your lives together.  And then we put lots of presents under the tree, which always makes me feel both good, and also materialistic and terrible.  This year, we tried to go for just a couple of big presents, instead of a million little ones.

We made our living room coffee table into a fire place so that we had a place to hang our stockings.  Dad drew it and we all helped to color it.  It was actually pretty cool, and I saved it for next year.

Santa did bring you a telescope.  We bought the family a new Xbox, which is for everyone, but really only you and Dad play it right now.  Maybe Miriam will when she gets older.  You got some books and some toys and games.  We did have a disappointment when Uncle Alex and Aunt Lena and Grandma Maria came up to celebrate.  One of their presents for you went astray in the mail.  So your Christmas got extended by a few days.

We had a conversation afterward about the importance of remembering that part of Christmas is also giving gifts, and enjoying the pleasure that others feel when they receive them.  You and Dad and Miriam picked out a new shawl for me, and some awesome earrings.  I really love them, and I tried to help you understand that.  We also talked a lot about the charitable gifts that we gave this year.

One of the things that I put on your Christmas list this year was money.  You have asked at times for toys or video games, and I thought it would be useful for you to start controlling your own funds.  Goodness knows, it's never too early to start learning about how not to be a fool with your money.


Helping trim the Jorgenson's tree:

Holiday Program at school:

December beach trip: Cali Life!

Our "fireplace":

Christmas morning!

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